2014 National Specialty

GSCA 2014 National Specialty
*****PREMIUM FOR THE NATIONAL IS AVAILABLE***** ATTENTION, ATTENTION, The Premium you have all been waiting for is now posted on the Caper dog show website at:
The Premium includes a fillable entry form for Conformation, Obedience, and Rally events. Please note the early closing date. Entries with payment must be received at Caper by 6:00 PM CDT, October 8, 2014.
See you at Purina for Barktoberfest!!
Prospective Judges and others who that want to increase their knowledge of the Giant Schnauzer are invited to participate in a Judges Education Seminar to be presented on Thursday, October 30, 2014 at Purina Farms. The seminar will be given by renowned long-time Giant Schnauzer breeder and exhibitor, Steve Fox. The seminar will begin at 11:00 and will include a working lunch at 1:00, followed by a hands-on session. Participants will also receive a copy of the Giant Schnauzer Illustrated Standard book (a $15.00 value). To register complete and return the registration form
The 2014 GSCA National and Midwest Specialties will be held October 28-November 2, 2014, at Purina Farms, 200 Checkerboard Drive, Gray Summit, MO 63039.
General directions from Lambert Airport to Purina Farms: 70W > 270S > I-44W > MO-100N > MO-MMW
Located just 10 minutes west of Six Flags St. Louis on Highway 44. Take the Gray Summit exit #253 and head North on Highway 100 for 1/2 miles. Take a left and head West on MM for approx. one mile until you reach the Purina Farms entrance on the left-hand side of the road.
For a downloadable map, please see the Purina Farms website: http://www.purinafarms.com/directions-and-hours.
Now available pre-registration forms for CGC and CGCA testing to be held at the Specialty on Thursday, October 30th. Reserve now to guarantee that you will get a CGC medallion after your Giant(s) pass the test and are a confirmed Canine Good Citizen.

2014 GSCA Specialties Trophy and Awards Sponsors and Contributors
View Awards Sponsors & Contributores
Please review and see which awards you would like to sponsor and dedicate to a special Giant or person from your life.
E-mail Kim Demchak (desertdogfig2@gmail.com) with your selection and dedication.
Mail sponsorship payments to Kim at:
  • 14975 E. Pickaway Trail
  • Mayer, AZ 86333
Sponsorships received by August 15th will be acknowledge in the Specialty Premium and Catalog; those received between August 15th and October 8th will be acknowledged in the catalog.

Please send your reservations for grooming space, RV space, banquet tickets, post national horderves & cash bar, & pre-paid catalogs to Sheila Leitz ASAP.

*If there is problem completing the form, try saving a copy to your computer, or print a blank copy and complete by hand, or wait for the excel version to be available thank you!

October 27, Monday

Move in day at Purina. The GSCA will have at least 25 RV spots at Purina; other spots may be available if not used by the Bouvier des Flandres club. Grooming spaces will be available in the Gateway Hall and, if necessary, the Great Hall. RV and grooming space costs and reservation information coming soon. This members will be able to use a credit card to pay for their RV and grooming spaces.

Host Hotel is the Holiday Inn Six Flags: 1-800-782-8108


October 28, Tuesday

Obedience/Rally Fun Match starting at 6:00 PM until ??. $10 for first 8 minutes of ring time, $5 for each additional 8 minutes of ring time. First come first served, but repeat runs will not be consecutive. Repeat runs we happen after everyone has had at least one opportunity to use the ring. You decide what you want to work on, but stewards and a "judge" will be available to help with your run(s).

October 29, 30, and 31

Wednesday-Friday Obedience/Rally events in conjunction with the Bouvier des Flandres Club. Wednesday and Thursday will be GSCA Regional Obedience/Rally trials; Friday will be the GSCA National Obedience/Rally trials. Entries will be through Capers LLC. Premium in development. The Bouvier Club is scheduling to have ob/rally on Wed only. The GSCA is going to sponsor our specialty ob/rally and all-breed ob/rally on Thursday and Friday.


October 28 and 29

Tuesday and Wednesday All breed Agility trials in the Purina Event Center. These events are being sponsored by the Bouvier des Flandres club and registration information will be posted shortly.


October 31, Friday

GSCA Eastern Regional Specialty II; Charles Olvis Judging. Entries will be through Capers LLC. Premium in development.

GSCA Eastern Regional Sweeps: Mike Rutkus or Kevin Scrum Judge.

November 1, Saturday

GSCA National Specialty; Klaus Anselm Judging. Entries will be through Capers LLC. Premium in development.

GSCA National Sweeps: Mike Rutkus or Kevin Scrum Judge.

November 2, Sunday

GSCA Midwestern Regional Specialty II; Pat Hastings Judging. Entries will be through Capers LLC.

Premium in development.


October 31, Friday

Annual awards banquet at Holiday Inn Six Flags.

Halloween Costume contest for humans and Giants.

Other events:


October 27, Monday

The Bouvier club is holding their herding trials the Monday before our Specialty really gets going. If so registration information will be posted shortly.


October 27 and 28, Monday and Tuesday

The Bouvier club is doing carting the Monday and Tuesday of our Specialty week. If so registration information will be posted shortly.

Howard R. Postovit
Show Chair
GSCA 2014 National Specialty
P.O. Bo 3178
La Grande, OR 97850